South Coast of the Gulf of Finland | Зеленый мир
The South Coast of the Gulf of Finland
Natural Values
and Harmful Installations
Concept of a decommission plan for old nuclear power reactors
Guiding Principles from Environmental NGOs

South Coast of the Gulf of Finland

Open letter to MPs The Legislative Assembly St.-Petersburg, Leningrad region and public associations of the region on the issue of nuclear dumping in Sosnovy Bor

The State Corporation Rosatom plans to build item disposal of radioactive waste (CDEP) in the town of Sosnovy Bor, Leningrad region. Voluntary environmental organizations, area residents and local authorities are concerned about the prospect of nuclear burial ground near their house.

Environmental Degradation of Russian Coastal Regions: Exploring the Gulf of Finland

An American geographer and Russian ecologist discuss current and prospective environmental hazards precipitated by large-scale infrastructure projects on Russia's southern coast of the Gulf of Finland. The region, investigated by both authors during the course of regular field research from 1999 to 2009, is one of the best environmentally preserved coastlines of the Baltic Sea with abundant potential greenfield sites, largely due to its closed-border-zone status during the Soviet period. A favorable location for trade also places the region under intense development pressure. The authors devote particular attention to two major developments, a multifunctional port complex (which inter alia serves as a major pipeline terminus and oil export port) and expansion of an existing nuclear power plant. Based on extensive personal observations and government documents, they analyze the emerging environmental threat posed by these initiatives as well as the challenging political environment that discourages public participation and local involvement in spatial planning.

A Severe Case of Alummania on the South Coast of the Gulf of Finland

Baltic News № 86

At present a project is being considered, which envisages [the construction of] a large plant with annual output of 550 thousands tones of aluminium. Two sites for it are being chosen, each of them has great advantages.


GREEN WORLD is a non-governmental, non-profit environmental charity organization.