Decomission | Зеленый мир
The South Coast of the Gulf of Finland
Natural Values
and Harmful Installations
Concept of a decommission plan for old nuclear power reactors
Guiding Principles from Environmental NGOs


Interview of Oleg Bodrov, an expert of an international network of NGOs Decommission, with Darius Posevisius, one of the organizers of the international conference on the decommissioning of the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant, Vilnius, (Lithuania) 12 Septem

There is almost no chance of winning. Russian courts are politicized and serve the current government. This government has proclaimed the development of nuclear energy as a national strategy. The goal of Green World is to inform the Russian public and Baltic countries about the impending danger. The essence of the threat is not neither a systemic, nor comprehensive assessment of threats to the extension of the operation of the Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant (LNPP) has taken place on the part of the nuclear safety regulators of Rostakhnadzor.

Decommissioning of the Ignalina nuclear power plant (Lithuania). Working on errors.

Green World Baltic News

It has been 10 years since the decision to decommission the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (INPP). Two of the most powerful, but not the oldest, of the energy blocs of the Chernobyl series (RBMK-1500) total capacity 3.000 MW were stopped in the last days of 2004 and in 2009, and became the first to have taken the path of decommissioning.

Russian nuclear power officials visit Vermont for ideas, expertise in decommissioning process

A combination of past nuclear accidents and the accumulation of wastes from more than six decades of nuclear activities at the site have made the area surrounding Mayak one of the most contaminated in the world, with significant concentrations of strontium, cesium and plutonium found within a 100-kilometer — or 60-mile — radius of the facility.

Lithuania will stop nuclear electricity Generation on December 31, 2009!

Baltic Newsletter # 105

On 31 December 2009 at 23.00 Victor Shevaldin, Director of the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (INPP) will give the command to turn off the second and last energy bloc with reactor type RBMK-1500 with a power of 1500 MW. In this way, a NPP with the two largest-in-the-world energy blocs of Chernobyl-type will forever stop generating electricity.

Concept of a decommission plan for old nuclear power reactors. Guiding Principles from Environmental NGO's O.V. Bodrov

In the coming years Russian society will have to solve the complex and inevitable problem of decommissioning NPPs, which have reached the design lifecycle limit. The present generation of nuclear power consumers should not export the decommissioning problem solution to future generations.
The Decommissioning Plan should secure t